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Interface Definition Language (IDL)

Djinni's input is an interface description file. Here's an example:

# Multi-line comments can be added here. This comment will be propagated
# to each generated definition.
my_enum = enum {

my_flags = flags {
    no_flags = none;
    all_flags = all;

my_record = record {
    id: i32;
    info: string;
    store: set<string>;
    hash: map<string, i32>;

    values: list<another_record>;

    # Comments can also be put here

    # Constants can be included
    const string_const: string = "Constants can be put here";
    const min_value: another_record = {
        key1 = 0,
        key2 = ""

another_record = record {
    key1: i32;
    key2: string;
} deriving (eq, ord)

# This interface will be implemented in C++ and can be called from any language.
my_cpp_interface = interface +c {
    method_returning_nothing(value: i32);
    method_returning_some_type(key: string): another_record;
    static get_version(): i32;

    # Interfaces can also have constants
    const version: i32 = 1;

# This interface will be implemented in Java, ObjC, Python and C# and can be called from C++.
my_client_interface = interface +j +o +p +s {
    log_string(str: string): bool;

Djinni files can also include each other. Adding the line:

@import "relative/path/to/filename.djinni"

at the beginning of a file will simply include another file. Child file paths are relative to the location of the file that contains the @import. Two different djinni files cannot define the same type. @import behaves like #include with #pragma once in C++, or like ObjC's #import: if a file is included multiple times through different paths, then it will only be processed once.

Data Types

The available data types for a record, argument, or return value, and their equivalent in the target languages, are:

Djinni C++
bool bool
i8, i16, i32, i64 int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t
f32, f64 float, double
string std::string
binary std::vector<uint8_t>
date chrono::system_clock::time_point
list<T> std::vector<T>
set<T> std::unordered_set<T>
map<K, V> std::unordered_map<K, V>
optional<T> std::optional<T> for value types and std::shared_ptr<T> for reference types
Djinni Java Boxed
bool boolean Boolean
i8, i16, i32, i64 byte, short, int, long Byte, Short, Integer, Long
f32, f64 float, double Float, Double
string String
binary byte[]
date java.util.Date
list<T> java.util.ArrayList<T>
set<T> java.util.HashSet<T>
map<K, V> java.util.HashMap<K, V>
optional<T> object / boxed primitive reference
(which can be null)
Djinni Objective-C Boxed
bool BOOL NSNumber
i8, i16, i32, i64 int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t NSNumber
f32, f64 float, double NSNumber
string NSString
binary NSData
date NSDate
list<T> NSArray
set<T> NSSet
map<K, V> NSDictionary
optional<T> strong reference (which can benil)
Djinni C#
bool bool
i8, i16, i32, i64 sbyte, short, int, long
f32, f64 float, double
string System.String
binary System.Array<System.Byte>
date System.DateTime
list<T> System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
set<T> System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T>
map<K, V> System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<K, V>
optional<T> System.Nullable<T>
Djinni Python
i8, i16, i32, i64
f32, f64
binary object supporting the buffer interface
date datetime.datetime
list<T> List
set<T> Set
map<K, V> Dictionary

Primitives will be boxed in Java and Objective-C.

Additional possible data types are:

  • Enumerations / Flags
  • Other record types. This is generated with a by-value semantic, i.e. the copy method will deep-copy the contents.


An IDL file can contain 4 kinds of declarations: enums, flags, records, and interfaces.

  • Enums become C++ enum classes, Java enums, ObjC NS_ENUMs, Python IntEnums, or C# System.Enums.
  • Flags become C++ enum classes with convenient bit-oriented operators, Java enums with EnumSet, ObjC NS_OPTIONS, Python IntFlags, or C# System.Enums with the [Flags] Attribute.
  • Records are pure-data value objects.
  • Interfaces are objects with defined methods to call (in C++, passed by shared_ptr). Djinni produces code allowing an interface implemented in C++ to be transparently used from ObjC, Java, Python or C#, and vice versa.


my_enum = enum {

Enums are translated to C++ enum classes with underlying type int, ObjC NS_ENUMs with underlying type NSInteger, Java enums, Python IntEnums, and C# System.Enums.


my_flags = flags {
    no_flags = none;
    all_flags = all;

Flags are translated to C++ enum classes with underlying type unsigned and a generated set of overloaded bitwise operators for convenience, ObjC NS_OPTIONS with underlying type NSUInteger, Java EnumSet<>, Python IntFlag, and C# System.Enums with the [Flags] Attribute. Contrary to the above enums, the enumerants of flags represent single bits instead of integral values.

In the above example the elements marked with none and all are given special meaning. In C++, ObjC, and Python the no_flags option is generated with a value that has no bits set (i.e. 0), and all_flags is generated as a bitwise-or combination of all other values. In Java these special options are not generated as one can just use EnumSet.noneOf() and EnumSet.allOf().


my_record = record {
    id: i32;
    info: string;
    store: set<string>;
    hash: map<string, i32>;

    values: list<another_record>;

    # Comments can also be put here

    # Constants can be included
    const string_const: string = "Constants can be put here";
    const min_value: another_record = {
        key1 = 0,
        key2 = ""

Records are data objects. In C++, records contain all their elements by value, including other records (so a record cannot contain itself).


To support extra fields and/or methods, a record can be "extended" in any language. To extend a record in a language, you can add a +c (C++), +j (Java), +o (ObjC), +p (Python), or +s (C#) flag after the record tag. The generated type will have a Base suffix, and you should create a derived type without the suffix that extends the record type.

The derived type must be constructible in the same way as the Base type. Interfaces will always use the derived type.

Derived methods

another_record = record {
    key1: i32;
    key2: string;
} deriving (eq, ord)

For record types, Haskell-style "deriving" declarations are supported to generate some common methods. Djinni is capable of generating equality and order comparators, implemented as operator overloading in C++ and standard comparison functions in Java, Objective-C, Python and C#.


  • All fields in the record are compared in the order they appear in the record declaration. If you need to add a field later, make sure the order is correct.
  • Ordering comparison is not supported for collection types, optionals, and booleans.
  • To compare records containing other records, the inner record must derive at least the same types of comparators as the outer record.


# This interface will be implemented in C++ and can be called from any language.
my_cpp_interface = interface +c {
    method_returning_nothing(value: i32);
    method_returning_some_type(key: string): another_record;
    static get_version(): i32;

    # Interfaces can also have constants
    const version: i32 = 1;

# This interface will be implemented in Java, ObjC, Python and C# and can be called from C++.
my_client_interface = interface +j +o +p +s {
    log_string(str: string): bool;

Interfaces are objects with defined methods to call (in C++, passed by shared_ptr). Djinni produces code allowing an interface implemented in C++ to be transparently used from ObjC, Java Python or C# and vice versa.

Special Methods for C++ Only

+c interfaces (implementable only in C++) can have methods flagged with the special keywords const and static which have special effects in C++:

special_methods = interface +c { const accessor_method(); static factory_method(); }

  • const methods will be declared as const in C++, though this cannot be enforced on callers in other languages, which lack this feature.
  • static methods will become a static method of the C++ class, which can be called from other languages without an object.
    This is often useful for factory methods to act as a cross-language constructor.

Exception Handling

When an interface implemented in C++ throws a std::exception, it will be translated to a java.lang.RuntimeException in Java, an NSException in Objective-C, a RuntimeError in Python, or a System.Exception in C#. The what() message will be translated as well.


Constants can be defined within interfaces and records. In Java, Python, C# and C++ they are part of the generated class; and in Objective-C, constant names are globals with the name of the interface/record prefixed. Example:

record_with_const = record +c +j +o +p +s {
    const const_value: i32 = 8;

will be RecordWithConst::CONST_VALUE in C++, RecordWithConst.CONST_VALUE in Java, RecordWithConst.CONST_VALUE in Python, RecordWithConst.ConstValue in C#, and RecordWithConstConstValue in Objective-C.


# This is a comment

If comments are placed on top or inside a type definition, they will be converted to Javadoc / Doxygen compatible comments in the generated Java/C++/Objective-C interfaces, or a Python docstring. Comments are currently not available in C#.

Last update: June 18, 2021